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Dorset Maternity & Neonatal Voices Partnership

Project case study

Evaluating maternity and neonatal services in Dorset

Helping people make informed decisions about their maternity care

We regularly carry out ’15 Steps’ and ‘Walk the Patch’ visits to Dorset’s maternity and neonatal services to observe and evaluate the care environments and staff interactions from a service users’ perspective, and to gather service user feedback. We share our findings and recommendations with those responsible for delivering and improving services.

15 Steps to quality care

During the 15 Steps visits we use the NHS England toolkit to observe and record first impressions, and identify strengths and areas for improvement under the following themes:

  • Welcoming and informative
  • Safe and clear
  • Friendly and personal
  • Organised and calm

Throughout the year we aim to carry out 15 Steps visits to all maternity and neonatal service areas across both Devon NHS Trusts. During these visits we have identified many suggestions for improvements, which we shared with the Trusts to guide their ongoing programme of improvement for services users. This includes, for example, the addition of staff photo boards and increased patient information displayed throughout maternity departments.

Walk the Patch visits

We use these monthly visits to gather feedback directly from people attending antenatal and postnatal wards, and we also visit Special Care Baby Units and Neonatal Intensive Care Units.
We report feedback to the Head of Midwifery and the management team at each Trust. Where required, we suggest improvements and work with the team to implement changes. We also share positive feedback to ensure staff are recognised for the good care they have given.

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Transforming maternity care in Dorset

In April 2025 University Hospitals Dorset will open a brand-new maternity and neonatal unit at its BEACH building on the Royal Bournemouth Hospital site.

This new state-of-the-art unit will replace the current maternity facility at Poole Hospital and will be one of the options for local parents to be to consider when deciding where to give birth.

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Get in touch

If you have questions or feedback about any aspect of our work or maternity services in Dorset, please get in touch:

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