Giving people a voice to influence positive change in health and social care

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Evolving Communities

Driving improvements in health and social care through patient, public and stakeholder engagement and insight.

Our services

Local Healthwatch services thumbnail

Local Healthwatch

Devon mvp volunteers

Maternity and Neonatal Voices Partnerships

Evolving communities consultancy thumbnail image

Consultancy services

About us

Evolving Communities is a Community Interest Company (CIC). We specialise in stakeholder engagement and insight to drive improvements in health and social care. We achieve this at a national, regional and local level by delivering local Healthwatch services, Maternity and Neonatal Voices Partnerships, and professional consultancy services.

We combine expertise with a collaborative approach and a human touch to give those who use and provide services a voice to influence positive change in health and social care.

Find out more about us and our work.

Male patient in a healthcare setting

Healthwatch services

There are over 150 local Healthwatch across England helping local people shape the way health and social care services are run in their communities. We currently run two local Healthwatch services, independently, on behalf of local authorities in Dorset and Wolverhampton.

Durdle Door, Dorset
new Healthwatch icon 2022 V2

Healthwatch Dorset

Healthwatch Wolverhampton image thumbnail
new Healthwatch icon 2022 V2

Healthwatch Wolverhampton

Maternity and Neonatal Voices Partnerships

We manage and deliver Maternity and Neonatal Voices Partnerships (MNVPs) for local Integrated Care Systems. We work with people who use maternity services, midwives and doctors, to review and improve local maternity and neonatal care. We currently support MNVPs in Cornwall, Devon and Somerset​.

Somerset Carers Engagement Project

Kernow Maternity & Neonatal Voices

MVP Groups and events

Devon Maternity & Neonatal Voices

MVP Mother and baby

Somerset Maternity & Neonatal Voices

Consultancy services

Our consultancy team are passionate professionals with a strong track record for delivering stakeholder research, engagement, and coproduction projects to guide improvements in health and care.

We support a broad range of public, voluntary and private sector service providers, commissioners, and related organisations, nationally and regionally. We work collaboratively and ethically, providing tailored support and an independent, objective viewpoint, to inform service evaluation, design, and development. Our consultancy team also support the work of our local Healthwatch and our Maternity and Neonatal Voices Partnerships.

Patient feedback
Stakeholder engagement and insight

We gather people’s experiences and opinions, and use this insight to inform new and innovative ideas and improvements in health and social care.

Find out more about stakeholder engagement and insight

Service evaluation and development

Evaluation is an essential part of quality improvement. We evaluate new and existing health and social care services, from a patient, public, staff or stakeholder perspective. We provide clarity about what is and isn’t working well, with evidence-based recommendations for service development and improvement.

Find out more about service evaluation and development

Community engagement and co-production

Our consultancy and local Healthwatch teams design and deliver community engagement and co-production projects. We help health and social care organisations and service providers connect and work collaboratively with diverse communities and service users to build shared understanding and effective and sustainable services.

Find out more about community engagement and co-production.

User advisory groups

We create and support service user advisory groups for health and social care providers. User advisory groups are an effective way to engage and listen to the views and experiences of service users, to inform service development and enhance quality of care.

Find out more about user advisory groups.

Product development

We deliver user and stakeholder engagement to help organisations develop evidence-based product solutions that meet people’s care needs. This may also provide benefits in terms of gaining public funding for product development and access to markets, including the NHS.

Find out more about product development.

Work with us

Are you looking for support to deliver a local Healthwatch, Maternity and Neonatal Voices Partnership, or other service or project that uses stakeholder engagement to improve health and social care? Do you need expert help with community engagement, service evaluation or co-production? Find out more about our approach and get in touch.

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