Giving people a voice to influence positive change in health and social care

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Our projects

All our work has a common aim: to drive improvements in health and social care by giving people a voice to influence positive change.

Here’s a selection of the projects we have worked on across all our services. You can find out more about other work, including current projects, on our local Healthwatch websites and our Consultancy and Maternity and Neonatal Voices Partnerships pages.

Healthwatch services

Maternity and Neonatal Voices Partnerships


Local Healthwatch priorities

The current priorities for our local Healthwatch services can be found on each individual Healthwatch website.

new Healthwatch icon 2022 V2

Healthwatch Dorset

new Healthwatch icon 2022 V2

Healthwatch Wolverhampton

Maternity and Neonatal Voices Partnerships

Find out more about our MNVPs using the links below:

Devon MNVP

Dorset MNVP

Kernow MNVP

Somerset MNVP

Work with us

Are you looking for support to manage a local Healthwatch, MNVP, or other service or project that uses stakeholder engagement to improve health and social care? Do you need expert help with community engagement, service evaluation or co-production? Find out more about our approach and get in touch.

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