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What’s your experience of using local pharmacies in Dorset?

by | Sep 30, 2024 | Healthwatch Dorset, Local Healthwatch

Healthwatch Dorset, your local health and social care champion, wants to hear about your experience of using local pharmacies to help identify challenges and make recommendations for improvements to local services.

Share your feedback by 31 October 2024

They want to know how you use your local pharmacy (chemist), including what works well and what could be improved to make it easier to get the care you need. They also want to find out how you get and pay for your prescriptions, and if you have heard of the NHS Pharmacy First scheme.

In January 2024, NHS England launched Pharmacy First to make it easier for patients to get care through their local pharmacy without needing to see a GP. You can now get medicines (either prescription or non-prescription), and advice and treatment for a range of minor illnesses. You can also get referrals to other services, and some pharmacies offer vaccinations and free blood pressure checks.

Research published by Healthwatch England in April 2024, shows that local pharmacies are widely used and valued by their communities, but there are several challenges, including closure of local pharmacies, shortages of medicines, and public awareness of the Pharmacy First scheme.

Louise Bate, Healthwatch Dorset Manger, explained why they are investigating the situation locally and why your feedback matters: “It is clear from the feedback we receive that Dorset residents sometimes find it difficult to get the medication they need from local pharmacies. We have also heard concerns about pharmacy closures, opening hours and prescription costs. Our survey is quick and easy to complete, and we’ll use all the feedback we gather to help improve local services.

“The successful rollout of Pharmacy First will rely on addressing the challenges facing local pharmacies and local people and making sure that patients know about and support the scheme. Tell us what you think to improve patient access and experience across Dorset.”

How to share your views – by 31 October 2024

  • Complete a short, confidential online survey:
  • Call 0300 111 0102 to share your views over the phone, or to request the survey in another format or language.

If you are involved in a local community group or organising a community event and would like Healthwatch Dorset to visit and talk to people face-to-face, phone or email:

Healthwatch Dorset will report on their findings later in the year, but you can keep up-to-date with their work through their monthly newsletter: sign up here

Read more about the project

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