Giving people a voice to influence positive change in health and social care

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Project case study:

Stakeholder engagement and insight

Improving early discharge support for hip fracture patients at Salisbury District Hospital

Salisbury District Hospital

Working with:

Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust logo

Evolving Communities worked with Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust to evaluate an early supported discharge service for patients at Salisbury District Hospital. Our support included focus group delivery and a comprehensive report.

Hip fractures in the UK

About 70,000–75,000 hip fractures occur annually in the UK (NICE).  The average age of a person with hip fracture is 77.  Getting patients home as early as possible post-surgery is always the best option.

Early supported discharge post-surgery

We were approached by Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust to evaluate an early supported discharge initiative for patients at Salisbury District Hospital with fractured neck of the femur.  The aim of the initiative was to discharge patients from hospital as soon as they were medically fit.  Each patient received a programme of supported rehabilitation and reablement in their own home.

Our work

We designed and delivered a patient focus group for the hospital to gather views on the service.  The hospital contacted a random selection of hip fracture patients and invited them to take part.  We ran the group and wrote a report detailing what they had told us, including key themes and recommendations for how the service could be further developed and improved.

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