If you or a loved one have been living with post-COVID syndrome (long COVID), Healthwatch Gloucestershire wants to know about the support you have received from health and care services in the county.
Many people with COVID-19 feel better in a few days or weeks, and most people will make a full recovery within 12 weeks. However, for some people, symptoms can last weeks or months, and this is known as post-COVID syndrome (long COVID).
Treatment and support
If you are worried about your symptoms and think you may have post-COVID syndrome, the NHS advises that you should contact your GP. Your doctor should ask about your symptoms and the impact they’re having on your life, and they may suggest tests to rule out other conditions. They should talk to you about the care and support you might need, and they may give you advice about how to manage and monitor your symptoms at home.
If the symptoms are having a big impact on your life, you may be referred to a specialist rehabilitation service such as Gloucestershire’s NHS Post Covid Syndrome Service, or a service that specialises in the specific symptoms you have. These services should help manage your symptoms and help you to recover.
Share your experience
You can help improve care and support for people with post-COVID syndrome in Gloucestershire by sharing feedback about your own experience.
Healthwatch Gloucestershire is asking people to complete their online survey by 24 December. Survey closed.
Healthwatch Gloucestershire will share the survey findings with Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust to help them develop services for people living with post-COVID syndrome.