Giving people a voice to influence positive change in health and social care

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Kernow Maternity & Neonatal Voices Partnership


Our reports

Sharing your views and experiences to improve maternity and neonatal care

Our vision is for inclusive, safe, personal and kind maternity care for everyone in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly; designed, implemented and evaluated in partnership with the communities that receive the care.

We find out what matters to you by involving and listening to as many people as possible from our diverse communities. We share your views at meetings and events and in the reports we produce to make sure those responsible for maternity and neonatal services understand how to develop and improve care for everyone.

Annual report 2023-24

Read about our work and achievements this year including:

  • Transition to MNVP to include neonatal care
  • Working with NHS England to develop new MNVP guidance
  • Personalised Care and Support Plan
  • Kernow Parenting Journey
  • Engaging with our communities: Royal Cornwall Show, 15 Steps event, and focus groups on neonatal care and multiple births.
Devon Maternity Voices Partnership Logo
Helping people make informed decisions about their maternity care

Our work

Get in touch

If you have questions or feedback about any aspect of our work or maternity services in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, please get in touch:

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