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New Volunteer Officer joins Healthwatch Somerset

by | Apr 25, 2018 | Healthwatch Somerset, Local Healthwatch

The new Volunteer Officer for Healthwatch Somerset aims to recruit more people to join the organisation to help shape local health and care services.

Julie Draper, from Bridgwater, has joined Healthwatch Somerset and her main role will be focusing on recruiting new volunteers and supporting existing ones.

The married mum of two spent many years working for St Margaret’s Hospice, starting off as a shop manager before moving into the fundraising department where she became a community fundraiser. Her most recent role was at Somerset Care where she was a community services planner.

Julie, explained:

“I’m looking forward to being able to bring all of my skills and knowledge of working with volunteers in the community to this role and would like Healthwatch Somerset to be known to everyone.”


“Volunteers are the cornerstone of any organisation and I am very much looking forward to growing our volunteer team across Somerset over the coming months.”

Find out more about volunteering with Healthwatch Somerset by emailing Julie: or by phone on: 01278 264405 or visiting

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